I often wonder what the chances are of my children or even their kids becoming alcoholics? It is only a question that I can only turn over to the God when it occurs and trust that he will protect them from the horror of the disease of alcoholism.
Based upon the history of problem drinkers in our family, it appears that the odds are not in their favor. Because my father died from liver problems related to drinking too much and my mother was a full blown closet drinker the disease has been in our family tree.
One of my two siblings battles with the problems associated with drinking and the other was smart enough to stay away from drinking anything. I personally have spent the past ten years one hundred percent sober. This should tell you a little bit about myself.
While being married to a chronic drinker, I had a life threating bout with the substance myself. Guess what, I won the battle with God’s help. When I finally hit my bottom the Lord was there to rescue me. It is only because of his intervention that I have been able to survive all if these ten years without a drink or even a drug.
Now, It is out of this relationship that has developed with God where I can trust my children to him. You see he has done such a powerful work in my life that I am certain that if my kids need his help to stop drinking that he will be their with them. The obvious prayer though is that they would not have to contend with the disease in any form or fashion.
I know that the chances of one of the three of them are great for becoming an alcoholic. It is my faith and trust in the Lord that keeps me from fearing the worse in relationship to their futures.
As a parent, I have made it very clear to them that alcohol is a killer and the danger it poses to them is greater than to others. It is this gene or as they say in Alcoholics Anonymous the disease of alcoholism that tends to run in our family. The mother of my children has a brother that has battled with his share of addictions as well. This makes the possibility even greater. Even with the odds against them, their father believes the best for them and tires to educate them as o the dangers associated with them taking the chances with this substance.
What else can we do? Those of us alcoholics who have recovered from the devastation of the illness are able to tell our kids first hand to stay away from the stuff. That’s really all that we can do, warn them about the history if the family as it relates to them drinking alcohol. Hopefully as parents we have established a trusting relationship with our children and they will heed to voice of wisdom that speaks through our life experiences.
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