Going Through A Difficult Time With An Alcoholic, Don’t Give Up!

I get so many emails from people sharing specific details of their situation. Some share victories others share about difficult times that they are going though with the alcoholics in their lives.

I made the video below to let you know, even though I may not respond to all of your emails, I do read them in their entirety. I generally say a prayer for each of you when I finish reading your submissions. I hope you are encouraged by the message I have to share with you today. Thanks to all of you for participating here. We so appreciate you being apart of our vision to help people learn how to cope with alcoholics.


Video Transcription:

It’s Saturday. It’s probably seventy five degrees where I am at. The sun is blasting here in South Florida. I’m looking forward to having an absolutely awesome day today. Now, I’m not making this video to talk to you about the weather report though. I do want to let you know that I read all of your emails in there entirety. We don’t publish everything on our website. I do read about your victories, your defeats and the battles that are going on in your life. I want to let you know that I can empathize with every situation.

I have a message for all of you today. I can’t respond to everyone through email, but I have a message for you and this will work.

  • Make sure that you enjoy every minute of your day today.
  • Don’t give up.
  • Stay in the present.
  • Stay out of regrets from the past.
  • Avoid fearing the future.

You can get through this. Life takes us up and life takes us down. This too shall pass. Whatever it is that you are going through, there’s a promise of peace, hope and joy on the other side. Just hang in there. Don’t give up; you can get through this.

Okay, so listen, thank you for participating on our website. I so appreciate all of the comments that you send in about how our website is helping, all of the participation form our readers and how you guys are benefiting from the products that you purchase. I just want to say thanks to all of you for being apart of our vision to help people all over the world learn how to cope with and deal with alcoholics.

We appreciate you being on our subscriber list. Listen, have a nice day today–unless you’ve made other plans.

Do not give up! It can be difficult at times trying to deal with people who suffer from alcohol addiction. Nothing in life is simple. Remember, we never know when an alcoholic is going to hit bottom and cry out for help. Love without conditions and take time to enjoy your own life today to the full!

8 comments to Going Through A Difficult Time With An Alcoholic, Don’t Give Up!

  • Rhonda

    Thank You Jc . This was right on time. I have been keeping busy today, ignoring what I seeing and hearing.

  • Brenda

    I woke up this morning feeling very much at peace. I’ve decided not to think about my current situation and only think in the present. It’s been a rather good day. And then a friend called and wanted to know if I’ve heard anything from my AH. I haven’t but I’m still in that peaceful place.

    I do find participating on here helps, for me anyway. Just knowing I’m not the only one going through this and being able to talk about it helps, a lot.

  • karen

    Thankyou JC, I thankyou, I am feeling very sad and get irritated easily, my story is long and carries on but thankyou for this video which I keep to re-listen to when I need your support

  • Silvia

    Thank you so much. Your message got to me right on time, I just had a baby 40 days ago and listening to my AH bashing on me day and night about money or whatever he can think of everyday just breaks my heart. I am full of hormones and extra sensitive and feeling guilty for bringing as beautiful baby into this hard life. Your message is an answer to my prayers and a sign to be strong, keep on going and enjoy my little bundle of joy as much as I can.

  • Denise

    Dear Silvia,
    I was in your situation years ago. He wouldn’t yell or whine about money. He would simply go out with his friends and come back to change clothes and leave again. There I would be with 2 beautiful little boys, a newborn and 18 month old, crying. I have stayed for over 35 yrs. I know my children love me but I don’t see much of them because of their father. I have tried to encourage a better relationship. One son is out of state.But the other is in state and I find myself going down there more often than not. And even that,unfortunately, is getting old. It’s not helping the situation at all. My ah has been better lately but I have been living my life and enjoying . I refuse to let him drag me down and be caught up in his poor,poor, pitiful me scenario. If you have friends and family that you can go to and confide in-GO! When he starts his crap, have a bag packed and leave with your baby, stay overnight at your folks or however long it takes. I had told my ah at one time that the boys are mine. I love them. I have cherished them since day one. They are mine and no one is ever going to hurt them, physically or emotionally. He just looked at me. I reiterated they are mine. It’s a long road with an alcoholic. This is a great website. It has seriously helped me through some extremely trying times. We have all been through a lot and if any one of us can help or touch a life by writing that is a very good thing. I think it would be wonderful to meet some of these very strong people. Their kindness. Their energy. Their love. The sun should be coming up soon where I live. Another beautiful fall day. A good day for a walk in the woods where that musty smell of autumn fills the senses. It takes me back to Yosemite National Park…..Live in the moment Always denise

  • Lisa

    Oh my gosh Denise, 35 YEARS!?!? How long is too long before I throw in the towel? I feel that if I wait too long I will completely lose myself in the promise. It is very hard to work full time and then go out and do my own thing when I am completely trained both physically and mentally, and I have only been dealing with this for a little over a year!! It is hard many days to not just give up!!!

  • stella

    I live with a Bi-polar, borderline Schizophrenic ex-husband. I left him for 9 months. Went back to him after he told me that he could not live without me and he had tried to kill himself. Out of guilt I went back. Right into the same verbally abusive situation I had left. He has been draining me financially and I have put a stop to it. Now I have to leave again. For good this time. He is a disordered person who is also an alcoholic. HE IS HIS DISEASE. NO SEPARATION OF THAT. ONE AND THE SAME. I AM DETACHING FROM HIM ALTOGETHER. READ THE PARABLE OF THE TREE.

  • Debbie Rotert

    Hi JC!
    I sure do appreciate the things you share.
    My adult son is currently in alcohol rehab in Port St Lucie FL. He should be coming home in 2-3 weeks and I am so apprehensive. I live in Missouri in a rural area, and there is a huge lack of addiction resources in my area. There are only general counselors and psychiatrists- no one with specialties of addiction. Do you do online counseling or mentoring? if so, do you bill insurance? If not, do you have any suggestions for resources?
    Thank you so much!

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