Submitted by: Sheila
I have just started to study information on alcoholic behavior. I stopped drinking five weeks ago and did not consider myself to be an alcoholic just a social drinker!
Now, however, I can see the extent of my husband’s drinking problem. I recognize the rages and arguments created in order for an excuse to go off and drink! The mood swings and the being sorry for bad behavior are things I see clearly. Through recognizing these things I am now thinking more carefully about my interaction with my husband.
I still don’t know which way to go as I love him dearly and just want him back to being normal. I have never joined any support groups until now and I do feel stronger for being able to share with others who face similar challenges.
JC: Thanks Sheila for sharing your story. Since you have decided to quit drinking socially, it’s time to take care of yourself now. Do everything you can to get your focus off of the alcoholic. Please get involved in Al-anon and AA. Your life will change for the better through participating regularly in both programs, even if your husband continues to drink.
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